
Mount St. Joseph University has initiated a new Liberal Arts course aptly dubbed "Writer's Block," intended to strengthen and showcase students' writing abilities. Each week, we meet, plan, and complete writing activities and exercises that reinvigorate our creative sides.

In light of that, this blog was created to both reflect and extend the potentialities of the Writer's Block course, as well as the growth of all individuals involved.

Despite any oppressive horrors of the world that arise, Writer's Block persists to serve as that undying artistic light in the face of any darkening hardships. We hope readers enjoy what we produce, and derive some sort of creative inspiration from our writing. With new content released periodically, we anticipate a long-lived academic and artful endeavor. And while the course is a significant reason for this blog's inception, it is secondary to the main objective of fulfilling ourselves as burgeoning writers and callers of heightened creativity in spite -- or acceptance -- of anything life throws at us.