Privacy in Today's World

Do we really have any privacy anymore? To that I would have to say no, we really don't. With all of the surveillance going on today there is no way we could possibly have privacy or be truly free. Our information, personal and searched, is all being recorded. Life is no longer as simple as a piece of paper and a pen; it is no longer sending a letter to another with that being the only copy. Nowadays, that message that was sent has multiple copies in different cyberspaces, it is not only on your computer and the person you sent it to. 

Next, a warning about autofill. We all use it because it is so easy and makes logging in faster, however, by doing that we are allowing that cite to have our information and send that off. Another thing that everyone says 'okay' to is cookies, it is similar to the autofill. Next time you see this message really think about what they are telling you. The gist of it is basically them saying they can save your information and send it off to other companies for a profit in which you get no part of. That information is sold to other companies multiple times and is then used to target different things at you such as ads and posts on social media, they know you will click on them because you have a history of looking at that kind of thing. Those different cookies policies have extremely small font and are hard to read and they take up so much time reading so no one does and that is where some of our privacy is being given up.

Lastly, our location. Our location can be known by just about anyone these days. From people that are not very technical, they can look on Snapchat and find you on snap maps because Snapchat automatically puts your location on and you have to jump through hoops to turn it off. On a higher level the government and higher up companies can place you in a specific location, more accurate than Google Maps. That super complicated, high end technology is...Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi? We all use Wi-Fi and we use it just about anywhere we go. Our smartphones are trained to bounce from Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi in order to save mobile data on phones but wheat people do not know is the Wi-Fi tracking. Everyone with a smartphone that has Wi-Fi on can be tracked from place to place, even walking down the road you are being tracked. 

So I ask again, do we really have privacy in today's world? 


  1. Yeah that cookie crap terrifies me. And sites will trick you into accepting them or force you to before you can read an article or anything. It's just like you said, they just want to sell people's personal info to corporations. Our technocracies really will lead us to dystopia.


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